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Avengers Assemble : Ultron Revolution (Season 3) Tamil Dubbed Episodes

Avengers Assemble : Ultron Revolution (Season 3) Tamil Dubbed Episodes Free Download And Watch Online 720p HD in Tamildubbed

Info :

Name : Avengers Ultron Revolution [Avengers Assemble Season 3]

Language : Tamil

Quality : 720p, Orig Audio

The Avengers are forced to cancel their expansion plans and Ant-Man leaves the team due to a lack of global threats. After dealing with A.I.M.’s Scientist Supreme, the Avengers are shocked when Ultron returns after his apparent demise and absorbs A.I.M.’s Super-Adaptoid technology and the unknown space metal used to make the Adaptoids. Now Ultron is seeking revenge on the Avengers for foiling his plans with the Infinity Gems’ power, while continuing his plot to replace humanity with robots. One plot to eliminate humanity involved the attack on the Inhumans‘ city of Attilan where he planned to use Black Bolt to power his cannon which ended with Black Widow and Hulk throwing the Terrigen Mist into the cannon resulting in some the humans who are Inhuman descendants to undergo their Terrigenesis including the fiery Inferno and superhero fangirl Kamala Khan who gains shape-shifting powers while taking on the mantle of Ms. Marvel. Black Bolt and his fellow Inhuman Royal Family members MedusaKarnakGorgon, and Lockjaw work to find the recently emerged Inhumans.

One subplot details Baron Helmut Zemo, son of Captain America’s old nemesis Baron Heinrich Zemo, finding a working vial of the Super-Soldier Serum and uses it on himself to gain the youth and strength to face the Avengers defeat and destroy them in order to avenge his father’s death. Then he recruits the Masters of Evil (which consists of BeetleGoliathScreaming MimiFixer, and Moonstone) and steals a device from Stark Industries called the Inversion Stabilizer that allows them to masquerade as the Thunderbolts (with Zemo going under the alias Citizen V while each of the Masters of Evil above become MACH-IV, Atlas, Songbird, Techno, and Meteorite respectively) in a plot to undermine the Avengers. But after being saved from death by Hawkeye during the robbery and seeing what it’s like be a hero, Songbird convinces the rest of the team to turn on Zemo. Together, the Avengers and Thunderbolts expose Zemo and defeat him.

The Avengers must also contend with Kang the Conqueror when he arrives in the present following his brief fight with Iron Man in his time and discovering that some A.I.M. Agents have been using his technology to upgrade some supervillain gear like they did to Whiplash and Spymaster. When most of the Avengers follows Kang the Conqueror back to his time, the Avengers team up with an elderly Thor, a future Black Widow named Layla, and a group of rebels in order to fight the forces of Kang the Conqueror.

When the President signs the New Powers Act, the Avengers are given Truman Marsh as their government liaison who even replaces the Bruce Banner-regressed Hulk with Red Hulk until the incident where Leader gamma-enhances him enough for Hulk to return.

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