Doraemon The Movie Nobita’s Treasure Island (2022)
Release Date: 11 September 2022 (India)
Release Date: 3 March 2018 (Japan)
Synopsis: Doraemon, Nobita, Shizuka, Gian, and Suneo set out on an adventure in the Caribbean Sea. Nobita is the captain of a ship and fights his enemies on board. Shizuka gets kidnapped, and a storm impedes their journey. Mini-Dora help Nobita and friends on their journey. When the adventurers finally find the mysterious Treasure Island, they discover it is more than just an ordinary island.

Multi Audio
Doraemon The Movie Nobita’s Treasure Island (2018) BluRay Multi Audio [Tamil] 720p 1.2GB.mkv
Doraemon The Movie Nobita’s Treasure Island (2018) BluRay Multi Audio [Tamil] 480p 400MB.mkv
Doraemon The Movie Nobita’s Treasure Island (2018) BluRay Multi Audio [Telugu] 480p 600MB.mkv
Doraemon The Movie Nobita’s Treasure Island (2018) BluRay Multi Audio [Telugu] 720p 1.2GB.mkv